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  • Blogs Organizer Remote Blogs Options


    Remote Blogs Options and Management

    The Remote Blogs section is a drop down menu that is available to you when you login to your Blogs Organizer admin area. From this section you maintain your remote blogs.

    What Is A Remote Blog?

    A remote blog is considered any kind of blog you have that is not created and operated by Blogs Organizer. Such remote blogs can be blogs you have running with other blogging scripts like WordPress, Drupal and etc. OR blogs hosted at remote hosting services. With Blogs Organizer you can easily post new posts to these kind of blogs and even schedule your posts for automatic publishing.


    To maintain a remote blog in Blogs Organizer, first you need to specify what type that blog is (WordPress, Blogger, etc.) In this section you maintain your blog basis, so Blogs Organizer will know how to treat the blog itself.


    To maintain a remote blog you must specify an account containing your blog at the blog service. This is used and for authentication to the blog software that is running the blog itself. In this section you add/manage your remote blog accounts, by detaching the accounts to your remote blog services. Right after you add your account, you can scan the account for blogs and add them to Blogs Organizer database, so you can use them.


    This is the list with your remote blogs. From here you can maintain the remote blogs and post to them.


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