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Gallery Export [Code Inside]


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This will add links to export galleries from inside Arylia.

*Make A Back Up Of File Before You Edit It*


Create a file named exportGalleries.php and place this code inside. Fill in SQL details so it can fetch tables

// Arylia Gallery Export
//SQL database configuration -> enter your details
$db_host = "";
$db_user = "";
$db_pass = "";
$db_db = "";

//Arylia SQL database tables. These are the defaults, change to match your own.
$gal_table = "builder_galleries";
$site_table = "builder_sponsorSites";

//Get sponsor site ID from url
$idsite = intval($_GET['siteId']);

mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass);

//Get every gallery in database
$exportResult = mysql_query("SELECT galleryUrl, galleryName, galleryImages, siteName, description FROM $gal_table,$site_table WHERE $gal_table.siteId=$site_table.siteId ORDER BY siteName, createDate DESC");

//Get every gallery from sponsor site
$exportResult = mysql_query("SELECT galleryUrl, galleryName, galleryImages, siteName, description FROM $gal_table,$site_table WHERE $gal_table.siteId=$idsite AND $site_table.siteId=$idsite  ORDER BY siteName, createDate DESC");

//Export galleries site name|
while($exportGallery = mysql_fetch_assoc($exportResult)) 

<?= $exportGallery["siteName"] ?>|http://<?= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $exportGallery["galleryUrl"] ?>|<?= $exportGallery["galleryName"] ?>|<?php $galdesc = $exportGallery["description"]; $galname = $exportGallery["galleryName"]; if (!empty($galdesc)) { echo $galdesc; } else { echo $galname; } ?>|<?= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], substr($exportGallery["galleryUrl"], 0, strrpos($exportGallery["galleryUrl"], "/")) ?>/thumbs/preview.jpg|<?= $exportGallery["galleryImages"] ?>

Upload exportGalleries.php  to arylia/content folder.


While inside arylia/content folder, open sponsorInfo.php and find this code around line 88


*Make A Back Up Of File Before You Edit It*

<TD><A HREF="?action=editSite&siteId=<?= $thisSite["siteId"] ?>">Edit</A></TD>

place this code right below that line you found

<TD><A HREF="/arylia/content/exportGalleries.php?&siteId=<?= $thisSite["siteId"] ?>">Export</A></TD>

save sponsorInfo.php


Go to manage and click on sponsor name. Each site under that sponsor will have a gallery export link.
This is the export format.
site name|gallery url|gallery name|gallery description|thumb url|pic count


Now this will give you a Export All Galleries link under Galleries tab.

Inside Arylia folder, open layout.php and find this array, around line 23

"Galleries" => array(

below that you will see a sub menu array.

Each line except the last has a comma at the end.
Place a comma at the end of the last line. It should be "List Galleries"


now place this code below "List Galleries"

"Export All Galleries" => "/arylia/content/exportGalleries.php"

save layout.php

Edited by TPub
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  • 3 months later...

Hello TPub, i have managed to import galleries but there is a problem to import preview thumbnails from arylia, the url is correct, the preview thumbnail on arylia has the same size on tgpx (199x264) and it does not import correctly, i have to manual crop each thumb from gallery, i have selected the "Preview URL" in import tool for the url of arylia preview thumbs, can you help me out please?


thank you,


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  • 1 month later...

Hi Sam, sorry, just now seeing your message.

Did you figure this out? If the thumbnail url works in your browser, the problem might be how tgpx import thumbs. Never used tgpx so I don't know how it works.

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