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  • Getting Started with Blogs Automater



    This is a basic guide to help you get up and running quickly to use the software, presented in a concise step-by-step guide. You should still read the documentation sections we have posted just to familiarize yourself with the software. This section assumed you have already installed the software and have read the documentation.

    The Purpose of Blogs Automater

    The purpose of this software is to load your script's database with RSS feeds that contain blog posts which you can then publish on your blogs. The script will crawl those feeds regularly to extract new posts and stores these posts in your database. As the administrator, you can review, edit, publish or delete these entries anytime you like.

    Getting Started Guide

    1. Add some sponsors.
    2. Add some categories.
    3. Get some RSS feeds from your sponsors and add them to the software (Feeds -> Add New). You can assign the sponsors and categories on adding them. It's a good idea to have the script "Crawl Now" to ensure the feeds are working.
    4. Add a blog where you can publish your entries. Click on Blogs -> Add New and create a blog.
    5. Create a campaign (Campaigns -> Add new) and assign it a descriptive name. Next, assign your blog, categories and frequency update to your campaign.
    6. If your cronjobs are set up properly, check your blog after the frequency you setup in Step #5 above and your first post should appear.

    This is the basic overview of the script. It is a very powerful script, but requires you to spend some time with it, along with some trial and error, to truly master it. Don't be afraid to try different things. Mistakes are simply a learning tool.


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