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  • Blogs Organizer Ping Sites


    Ping Sites

    The Ping Sites section is a drop down menu that is available to you when you login to your Blogs Organizer admin area. From this section you maintain your "Ping Sites". In other words, anytime your blog publishes a post, these sites will notified. You can maintain an unlimited number of Ping Sites. Insofar as we know, Blogs Organizer only supports RPC ping sites.

    Add Ping Site

    From here you add a new ping site in the system. There are couple of fields to fill in:

    • RPC URL - define the URL to the site where it accepts the ping information.
    • Type - define what URL accepts the ping site. Some sites want to be pinged with your blog url, other with your Feeds url.
    • Status - define the status of the ping site. If you set Active the ping site will be used for pinging, if you set Inactive it won't be used for pinging.

    Manage Ping Sites

    From here you can manipulate your existing ping sites. You get a full list with the ping sites you already have in your script. You can edit and delete them.


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